Recently the deck lists for the four upcoming Vampire: The Eternal Struggle preconstructed starter decks have been revealed at Blackchantry.com. We are delighted by all kind and appreciative words about these – it is a joy working with this game and its fans! If you missed the decks, please have a look here:
Den of Fiends – Clan Tzimisce
Libertine Ball – Clan Toreador antitribu
Pact with Nephandi – Clan Tremere antitribu
Parliament of Shadows – Clan Lasombra
Yet some individual new cards and artwork have not been spoiled – keep an eye on Blackchantry.com and our Facebook and Twitter channels for this in the coming weeks.
The official release date for the decks are February 16, 2019.
UPDATE: Anthology 1 will also be available for sale February 16, 2019.
If you are a distributor or a store owner and want to sell these products, please mail us at contact@blackchantry.com
If you want to discuss the contents of these decks with us and other VTES players, visit the forum or Facebook-group of V:EKN, the official player organisation of the game.