Hugh Angseesing, CEO of Black Chantry Productions, what does the release of the 25th Anniversary set mean for you?
– I started playing in 1994 in Cheltenham in the UK, at that time decks were hastily assembled from the mixed Jyhad starters and were a bit all over the place. However I quickly got into the art, particularly of the vampires, and was soon trying to collect all of them!
What are you especially excited about in the set?
– I am really excited to get a piece of Ed Beard Jr. artwork from this era back out onto a modern card. His artwork helped define the original look and I feel that helped me fall in love with this game.

– The second bit that really excites me is getting one of my favourite decks into print – Stanislava and all of her friends. This deck isn’t my favourite version as that involves Camille Devereux and The Raven when they were separate vampires and cheeky Force of Will bleeds and Mind Rapes that would stay in play if you were ousted! This is instead a variant of a staple of the tournament environment often played by a master of the profession, Martin Weinmayer.
Black Chantry want to thank all players, partners, distributors, artists and playtesters for making it possible for us to publish Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. It has been a wild first year for us, with many new acquaintances and lessons learned. We look forward to the future!
Please feel free to contact any one of us at Black Chantry (Hugh Angseesing, Ben Peal, Vincent Ripoll, Ginés Quiñonero and Henrik Klippström) with feedback. All five of us will be present at the European Championship in Paris, France the coming weekend. Otherwise please e-mail at firstname.lastname@blackchantry.com, or use social media!
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