Happy birthday Vampire: The Eternal Struggle!

Happy birthday, best game in the world! 30 YEARS OF VAMPIRE: THE ETERNAL STRUGGLE! The original base set was published by Wizards of the Coast on August 16, 1994. The design was by Richard Garfield, in collaboration with White Wolf, the company behind Vampire: The Masquerade, the role-playing game which the card game is based on. These games are set in the World of Darkness, a somewhat gothic horror reflection of our own world.

The base set had a massive 437 different cards, available in both thin booster packs and thicker starter packs, both randomised. It featured seven vampire clans of the Camarilla sect – Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere, and Ventrue – as well as the clanless Caitiff.

Many of the cards that are among the most commonly played cards even today are from this set, like Govern the Unaligned, Telepathic Misdirection and Kine Resources Contested.

Today, Vampire: The Eternal Struggle is produced by Black Chantry Productions (www.blackchantry.com), on license from Paradox Interactive. We are proud to keep this fantastic game un-dead!

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle turns 30 – welcome to the ball!
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle artist in focus: Randy Gallegos
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle celebrates 30 years with a very special set!

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