No, Vampire: The Eternal Struggle in Latin is not a joke!

On April 1st, Black Chantry announced that Vampire: The Eternal Struggle has been translated to Latin. We just want to clarify that this is not a April Fool´s joke!

To further prove the authenticity in this endeavour, here are some unboxing videos by the translator Ginés Quiñonero, one for each clan – Malcaviānus, Nosferātus, Taureātor, Tremārius and Ventruus!

This is the original announcement, now in English:

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle in Latin!

The Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition decks are now available in the Latin language. You can buy them on Drivethrucards as a single item. That is, if you buy the item, you’ll get all five decks. The Fifth Edition rulebook and help sheets in Latin are available to download in PDF format on

Why Latin? There are many reasons!
• An opportunity for Black Chantry´s Ginés Quiñonero to practise his language skills.
• The translation work meant yet another deep review of the rulebook.
• Further testing of niche products on print-on-demand.
• Show that Latin is still, after more than two millennia, a living language.
• Create an entertaining new way to teach Latin.
• It is thematically correct! Latin is an ancient language often used by elder World of Darkness vampires. Therefore, it is only logical that Methuselahs can play their beloved card game in Latin too.

Get Vampire: The Eternal Struggle in Latin at

Get the rulebook in Latin at

 Complete decklists and previews from the Fifth Edition decks
– The delicate art of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
– About Fifth Edition and the future with lead designer Ben Peal
– Interview with original designer Richard Garfield
– Rules Team Rulings with Fifth Edition rulebook addendum

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

Lūdus Vampire: The Eternal Struggle tandem Latīne ēditus est

Fasciculī Quīntae VTES Ēditiōnis nunc Latīne praestō sunt, atque in tabernā chartāriā Drivethrucards ūnā emī possunt (h. e., sī hanc rem ēmeris, omnēs fasciculōs acquīrēs). Et lēgēs Quīntae Ēditiōnis et schedae auxiliārēs in sermōne Latīnō ex rētiālī pāginā dēprōmī possunt.

In Latīnum convertimus…
• quia sīc Genesiō ex societāte Black Chantry appellātā occāsiō data est linguae Latīnae exercendae.
• ad librum lēgum rūrsus recēnsendum.
• ut tālēs rēs vēnālēs amplius perīclitārī possīmus, quālēs imprimuntur postquam emuntur.
• ut mōnstrētur Latīnam post duo mīlia annōrum adhūc vīvam esse linguam.
• ad novam lepidamque ratiōnem praebendam quā lingua Latīna trādātur.
• quia nostram ad rem māximē pertinet, nam Latīna vetus est lingua ā veteribus Mundī Tenebrārum vampȳrīs ūsitāta. Itaque ratiōnī cōnsentāneum est Mathusalās hōc grātissimō chartārum lūdō etiam Latīne fruī posse.

Lūdus Vampire: The Eternal Struggle emī potest in tabernā

Lūdī lēgēs Latīne dēprōmī possunt ex pāginā

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle during the pandemic

We are continuing to experience a global pandemic. Please follow national and local regulations and recommendations about infection control when you consider organizing a physical event such as a Vampire: The Eternal Struggle tournament. At this time, doing so is probably not possible in most countries, but as some fortunate places exist, the VEKN will not issue a strict global stop for events.

Instead: Run online events! You can play Vampire: The Eternal Struggle on for example LackeyCCG , both casual games, leagues and VEKN sanctioned tournaments. Just have the organizer mark the event with “ONLINE” in the title when you enter it to the VEKN event calendar. You can find Lackey games on VTES-Hook and in the Facebook group VTES LackeyCCG.

Again: Listen carefully to local health authorities and apply common sense. These are serious matters, so please take caution. Stay safe.

Printer friendly rulebooks now available!

VTES - Greg Simanson - Contract

Hi! Now we added printer friendly Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition rulebooks to the Utilities section of (and below). These are still illustrated, but with simple graphics so they load faster and saves you some ink if you want to print.

Printer friendly version English

Printer friendly version Spanish

Printer friendly version French

Complete decklists and previews from the Fifth Edition decks
The delicate art of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
About Fifth Edition and the future with lead designer Ben Peal
Interview with original designer Richard Garfield
Rules Team Rulings with Fifth Edition rulebook addendum

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

470 Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Legacy cards now at Drivethrucards!

Recently Black Chantry Productions added 470 cards to the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Card Singles print-on-demand offer at Pick any cards and any number of each card for your order at a flat rate of $0.35 per card!

All of these cards have been updated with the most recent layout and wording templates. Some also have brand new art, and some have significant functional changes. These changes are tournament legal as of February 22. The full text cardlists at has been updated.

Some of the most popular Legacy Card Singles right now.

We are constantly working on adding more cards to this offer, so stay tuned to our site and social media channels for updates!

Here is a list of all cards that have new art or significant functional changes:
Al-Ashrad, Amr of Alamut: Al-Ashrad can now burn locations requiring any clan (not only Camarilla clans).
Alvaro, The Scion of Angelica: Gaining blood is now optional.
Amam the Devourer: Gaining life when burning a minion in combat is now optional.
Ambrosius, The Ferryman: Pathos counters are now removed during the unlock phase.
Antonio Delgado: Unlocking is now optional.
Canopic Jar: Now burns 1 life if the attached minion is an ally.
Consignment to Duat: Now a +1 stealth action.
Divine Image: Now costs 1 blood instead of 2.
Donatello Giovanni: Choosing a vampire is now optional.
Edge Vitiation: Now costs no blood, instead of 1.
Eyes of the Night: NEW ART.
Form of Corruption: Adding a counter is now optional.
Giovanni Acceptance: There is no longer a default sect for each clan.
Giuseppe, Gravedigger: Now costs no blood, instead of 1.
Heaven’s Gate: Now leaves the ally in play, but removes it from combat. The ally can now be chosen in the terms of a referendum, or burned to a War Ghoul or Abomination entering play.
Ignore the Searing Flames: The outferior level works explicitly when the opposing minion strikes.
Invitation Accepted: There is no longer a default sect for each clan.
Jar the Soul: Now burns 1 life from the minion if it is an ally.
Kali’s Fang: Now costs 2 pool.
Masquer: Now costs 1 blood instead of 2.
Paolo Sardenzo: Gaining blood is now optional.
Path of Typhon, The: NEW ART.
Principia Discordia: The target vampire does not require to be locked.
Qadir ul-Ghani: The clan he changes to must be another clan than the clan to which he currently belongs.
Realm of the Black Sun, The: Now costs no pool, instead of 1. Gaining pool is now optional.
Retain the Quick Blood: Moving blood to the card and moving blood back to the vampire are now both optional.
Revelation of Despair: Works when blocking any minion, not only one controlled by the predator.
Revocation of Tyre: There is no longer a default sect for each clan.
Saqqaf, Keeper of the Grand Temple of Set: Gaining a pool is now optional.
Shadow Parasite: Now costs 1 blood instead of 2.
Shadowed Eyes: Burning the card costs 1 blood or life, no longer a conviction.
Spiritual Intervention: NEW ART.
Summon the Abyss: NEW ART. Now costs 2 blood instead of 3.
Summon the Serpent: Now a +1 stealth action.
Sutekh, The Dark God: Gaining a pool is now optional, but works with all mummy allies (not only bane mummies).
Ur-Shulgi, The Shepherd: The Tajdid that is retrieved from the library is now revealed.
Web of Knives Recruit: The recruit is now explicitly Independent.
Weeping Stone: Gaining a blood is now optional.

The Drivethrucards webshop can be tricky to navigate, so as a little help a list of all cards with some additional categorization has been made available separately.

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Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.