Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Product Roadmap 2024-2025

Words by Ben Peal, product director of Black Chantry Productions:

Greetings, fellow Kindred! With the new year approaching, it’s about time I gave you a product roadmap update for the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES) releases slated for 2024 plus a production update for 2025.

2024 was a lighter release schedule for us, seeing the releases of the 30th Annivesary set and the Fifth Edition Lasombra pre-constructed deck. We also had the launch of print-on-demand in Europe via Gamepod, helping meet a critical need there. 2025 is shaping up to have a much busier release schedule.

The Hecata pre-constructed deck was planned to be released alongside the Lasombra deck, but we felt a fourth round of playtesting was needed for it. Translation work the Hecata deck into French, Spanish, and Portuguese has been completed, the print files have been sent to the printer, and the Hecata deck is presently slated for release at the end of February 2025. We’ve had a couple of sneak previews for it already and we’ll have more of them coming soon.

Playtesting for the New Blood decks for Ravnos, Salubri, Tzimisce, Lasombra, and Hecata also concluded this year and we anticipate a Q2 2025 release for those. For logistical reasons, we’re likely to split their release into two waves: Ravnos, Salubri, and Tzimisce in one wave and Lasombra and Hecata in the other wave.

We are currently in Round Two of playtesting of the Sabbat pre-constructed decks. It’s an ambitious project, exploring the Sabbat in much more depth and in ways that encompass previously-published Sabbat kindred, so we may need a fourth round of playtesting for it. As it stands, we’re aiming for a release date timed with the Week of Nightmares in Columbus, Ohio in June of 2025.

As I’ve mentioned previously, I strongly recommend reading the Fifth Edition Sabbat book to get an understanding of how the Sabbat are currently being handled in Vampire: The Masquerade. The main thing – the core principle – is that the Sabbat largely discard any clan affiliation and instead adopt a Path-aligned ideology. So instead of having clan-themed pre-constructed decks for the Sabbat, we’ll have four Path-themed decks: Path of Caine, Path of Cathari, Path of Death and the Soul, and Path of Power and the Inner Voice. These decks will have crypt cards that are keyworded for their respective path and library cards specific to those paths. Separately from those decks, we’ll also release cards that give Paths to existing Sabbat kindred. If you don’t have a copy of the Fifth Edition Sabbat book, I recommend the Vampire: The Masquerade wiki’s page on the Sabbat as a quick primer.

Symbols of Sabbat paths: Caine, Cathari, Death and Soul, and Power and the Inner Voice.

Following the Sabbat decks, we’ll move away from pre-constructed decks to a pair of themed releases: Brazil By Night and Shadows of New York. With Brazil By Night, the release is a personal one, as we lost five members of the Brazilian VTES community to COVID-19. We’ve decided to honor those players with crypt cards and we’re going to explore the nation more in-depth with additional library cards and crypt cards. With Shadows of New York, we’ll cover the characters and events of the Shadows of New York, Coteries of New York and Reckoning of New York visual novels for Vampire: The Masquerade. Across both of these sets, you can expect to see additional crypt and library cards for the Camarilla, Anarch, and Sabbat sects. We anticipate a late Q3 2025 release for them.

That largely covers the releases for 2025. Looking past the horizon into 2026, I think we can expect to see New Blood packs for the Sabbat Paths, at least one more themed set like Fall of London, Brazil By Night, and Shadows of New York, and possibly another Path-themed pre-constructed deck or two. But there’s plenty of work to do for 2025 before I can give firm commitments to 2026.

Regarding the current tournament metagame and the possibility of errata, we certainly keep an eye on the tournament scene and its trends and we’re very aware of the concerns with Anarchs. Generally-speaking, there are three ways of addressing this: banning cards, issuing errata for cards, and developing new cards to counter/interact with the problem cards. In terms of banning cards and issuing errata for cards, I think we’re largely done with those methods for addressing issues. We do have cards on our internal watch list and we may still exercise those methods to address them – and there are two specific cards I’ll mention in a moment – but I think we’re pretty close to our comfort level with the existing legacy VTES cards and the newer Fifth Edition VTES cards.

Additionally, we have the Hecata pre-preconstructed deck and the Ravnos, Salubri, Tzimisce, Lasombra, and Hecata New Blood packs being released over the next 2-4 months, and we’d like to see the overall impact on the tournament environment after those cards are released before we make any errata decisions, mainly because it’s a lot of cards in a short time span. As for the aforementioned two specific cards, they are as follows:

Baba Yaga: Baba Yaga will be replaced with a new card named Gorgo with new artwork but otherwise the same stats and special abilities. The Russian mythos in the World of Darkness is still being worked on and the V5 canon may end up not permitting us to use Baba Yaga as a character in VTES. In the interests of having a published card instead of PDF-only we’ll release Gorgo in an upcoming anthology set in 2025 (release date not yet determined).

Major Boon: The present wording of the card has it playable only after a bleed action has been resolved – after priority has been passed on any action modifiers and reactions – but it also creates a window for playing additional action modifiers after that resolution. That doesn’t work within the mechanics of the game, so it’ll be re-issued with updated card text in an upcoming promo pack in 2025 (release date not yet determined).

Many thanks to the playtesters, the event organizers, and to all of you as players! I look forward to the next year, packed with new VTES releases!

Ben Peal
Product Director
Black Chantry Productions

The preview card in this article is from the upcoming Fifth Edition Hecata preconstructed deck. Lenelle, Mambo of Birmingham has art by Ken Meyer Jr, illustrator for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle since 1994!

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

30 years of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle: The rules of the game

Words by Vincent Ripoll, rules director of Black Chantry Productions:

It has been 30 years of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES), and we want to dwell a bit on how the rules of the game have changed in this time. A good way to look at this is by the “eras” of the three main contributors:

L. Scott Johnson (“LSJ”) played a pivotal role in establishing the rules of VTES as we know them today through various rulings and errata. His work spanned from 1998 to the end of the White Wolf era in 2010, starting with collecting answers from the official net.rep of Wizard of the Coast at that time as well as house rules, then becoming the official net.rep himself and releasing the quite legendary RTR 7-7 which paved the way for the game we know today.

Pascal Bertrand contributed greatly to the rules between 2010 and 2016, especially focusing on naming concepts and fixing typos. His rulings defined the finer aspects of card interactions, such as the “impulse” as well as redefining official formats for tournaments when the game was no longer published. His clarifications greatly influenced the official VTES rulings, helping streamline game design and card effects.

Vincent Ripoll’s rule changes, particularly from 2018 onward, focused on consistency in the wording, defining some of the most technical parts in a logical way, as well as simplifying or making certain mechanics more intuitive.

Original version.
Original version.
Banned from tournament play.

Changes by L. Scott Johnson

Back in 1998, VTES rules were a mess. It was the early days of CCG, and although the game mechanics were sound, many interactions were ill-defined, and many cards were not clear enough or consistent enough. There were a lot of house rules back then, because it was much harder for players to find information about games. The Internet was very different, and players had only USENET servers to communicate, so messages could be easily lost based on their retention policy.

LSJ “started with a small dusting of corner-tidying cases” (such as restricting the duration of combat effects to the round – Immortal Grapple used to last the whole combat) before releasing one of the first “Rule Team Rulings”, but undoubtedly the most influential: the 7-7 RTR. It defined what (D) actions were (before that, you could have (D) actions directed at yourself that no one could block), limiting vote cards one could discard during a vote, the way aggravated damage worked, but also errata such as Fame’s current card text. It also included some changes that would later on be reversed (such as not being able to play combat cards after a combat ends). The third RTR that year gave the general targeting rule (basically: targets must be appropriate) that would lead to “you cannot attempt what you cannot do”.

In 1999, most changes were card errata (such as the first errata on the VTES version of Parity Shift that allowed you to reallocate the pool after the referendum passed) or bans (Return to Innocence was broken beyond repair), cleaning up card text and answering what would appear as weird questions today such as: “what happens if a vampire banishes themselves in Daring the Dawn”, but clarifications were also made about where Embraces end up when they get banished, or the first definition of block-induced combats (leading later on to the “block resolution”).

In 2000, combat steps were reworked, and it became possible again to play end-of-round cards after a combat ends. Many things were not clear yet in Scott’s mind, with a lot of back-and-forth changes on cards (for instance the Tomb of Ramses III), but the general direction was becoming clearer. Cancellation was clarified (you could cancel cards brought in play through exotic means such as Disguised Weapon). Self-contest was clarified in 2001; in 2002, Eagle’s Sight as well as “play as if” effects were properly defined. Note that the NRA rule was only added to the rulebook in the Camarilla Edition, even though it was already effective as a tournament rule years before (because players were complaining of bleed / Earth Meld decks already).

In 2003, how costs of cancelled cards would be paid (or not) was defined as it is today, leading to many “(no cost is paid)” errata, and the use of non-reminder text between parentheses.

In 2004, Seeds of Corruption was errated a last time (before being banned years later – sometimes clarifying a card as best as possible isn’t enough). More interestingly, any effect could now be used during damage prevention step (but not during the “as played” window). It started with The Barrens (because it’s quite natural to try to draw cards to prevent damage) and ended up years later into being able to reciprocate to before-range-is-determined damage from an Outside the Hourglass with another Outside the Hourglass. Oh, and dodge would now protect from Catatonic Fear, whereas two Catatonic Fear would both inflict damage.

In 2007, LSJ would teach us a good math lesson by defining which mathematical operations should be done first when doubling or halving costs, and increasing or decreasing it by a fixed amount.

Of course, Mask of the Thousand Faces would be changed in 1998, 2003 and 2004, but never banned because it’s a cool card 😊

Banned from tournament play.
Latest printed version.
Banned from tournament play.

Changes by Pascal Bertrand

After White Wolf ceased publishing the game, the player organisation VEKN took matters into its own hands and appointed a new Rules Director. Pascal was keen to dust off some old concepts, removing some oddities (such as combat cards played outside combat) and fixing some cards released in Keepers of Tradition (the last “core” set published by WW).

In December 2011, the RTR encompassed ballots, how multiple actions introduced by the same cards were handled, some templates such as “During X do Y”, early stages of replacement effects, how Villein would no longer penalize the whole table, as well as the legality of VEKN cards and what PTW meant in the final round. Pascal started working on the complete rules reference, an unfinished work.

In 2013, the concept of “impulse” was introduced, Lilith’s Blessing was banned and clarifications about additional strikes were made, and tournament rules were changed to accommodate the player base slump.

In 2014, the “finish the action or phase upon time limit” was introduced in tournaments, and in 2016, proxies were officially allowed in some tournaments “as long as the game is not under production” (but still stands today as all cards have not been reprinted yet).

Much of Pascal’s work was not made visible until years later, especially the overhaul of the card texts, thanks to subsequent reprints.

Latest printed version.
From the 30th Anniversary set.

Changes by Vincent Ripoll

2018 was as busy as 1998, with three RTR released. The first one focused on removing some unnecessary quirks such as the influence phase leading to suicidal self-contests and not matching the intuitive way of playing cards, controlled allies in the uncontrolled region, or Caitiff not being a clan. The second one defined Anarch as its own sect, introduced the hunt value, and moved the non-cumulative bleed modifiers (“limited”) from the card to make it the default rule (and making the analogy with additional strike sources). Templating started to be also more consistent with some terms (such as immune) no longer being used for different things. Villein was also errated a second time to limit it to 5 pool. The third RTR focused on some niche concepts such as “cold iron vulnerability” or the research area which were moved from the rulebook to the few cards that were using it or removed from some cards, scarce penalty which was lightened and introduction of the block resolution definition. Many cards were changed with tournament rules in mind, such as making blood or pool gain optional (reducing the need of rollback in tournaments) or revealing “fetched” cards.

Many cards were reworded for consistency following guidelines, and all these changes were made possible by the various reprints done throughout that year, and the print-on-demand that allows us to bring updated cards to the market with greater flexibility.

In 2020, some cards that were on the watch list for being associated with real world racist caricatures were banned and replacement cards were later issued. The November RTR of that year coincided with the release of the Fifth Edition rulebook and got rid of default sect for clans (that was forcing players to keep up to date with the latest sect associations). The Fifth Edition rulebook also contained some name changes (Assamites, Followers of Set, Thaumaturgy) to align with Fifth Edition terminology.

There hasn’t been any RTR release since then, but various projects are gathering all the rulings (including those from after 2020) to make them easy to find.

We hope you enjoyed this little trip in time and the effort put in over the years to ensure the game remains fun, balanced, and as easy to play as possible.

At the top of this article you see some preview art by Raquel Cornejo from a brand new card that will be made available in the upcoming Fifth Edition Hecata preconstructed deck.

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle rulebook now in Japanese!

Of course the world best game needs a rulebook in Japanese too, when English, French, Spanish and Latin are already available. The translation is by Kazuyuki Okuda, a true Methuselah hero. Check it out at!

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

Same card, different name: Puppet Master

Puppet Master VTES Brian LeBlanc

The card Puppet Master appears in the upcoming Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition Lasombra preconstructed deck. This is to be considered as the same card as the previously printed card Mind Rape. The old card is still legal for tournament play.

Art by Brian LeBlanc.

The full deck list and all previews are at the Fifth Edition Lasombra product page.

Upcoming preconstructed deck: Lasombra
Happy birthday Vampire: The Eternal Struggle!

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

The Vampire: The Eternal Struggle rulebook is updated!

Hi! We have been collecting player feedback on the Fifth Edition rulebook Vampire: The Eternal Struggle for several years now, and with the new print run we felt it was time for a little update. No rules have been changed in this 1.1 version, but things have been adjusted, so hopefully the already clarified rules will be even clearer now. Big thanks to all that provided feedback!

English and Spanish versions are available for download as PDF at the links below or on, and French will follow soon.

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition Rulebook (PDF)

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition Rulebook in Spanish (PDF)


Addendum: List of all changes

In addition to correcting some typos and rearranging the order of the minion card types, we have introduced the following changes in version 1.1 of the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle rulebook.

ADVANCED RULES (clarification) – Page 2
The new rules acknowledge the importance of “Advanced Rules” but suggest new players skip them for a simpler learning experience, deviating from the prior advice.

CARDS (addition) – Page 3
Added text summary: The new addition specifies that the crypt and library constitute independent stacks. During the game, library cards drawn go to the owner’s hand, while crypt cards are moved to the owner’s uncontrolled region, as detailed in Game Setup, Drawing Cards, and Influence Phase sections.

PLAYING A CARD (clarification) – Page 7
The new version specifies that when playing a card, it is placed in the ash heap “upon resolution.” It also clarifies that for certain cards, like action cards, which are not resolved immediately, they are temporarily out of play until reaching resolution.

The added rule stipulates that costs must be paid using the Methuselah’s or the minion’s own resources. Alternative costs, like burning the Edge or discarding a card, require control of the Edge or using the Methuselah’s resources. Minions can access their controller’s resources to pay costs, such as discarding a card. Optional cost reducers can be applied during card play or upon resolution, providing flexibility. If the card is canceled, the effect is not utilized.

SEQUENCING (clarification) – Page 8
The concept of “impulse” is introduced. After the acting Methuselah plays a card or effect, they now have the “impulse” to play the next one. The impulse then passes to the next Methuselah in a specific order depending on the context: defending Methuselah first during combat or directed actions, followed by clockwise order in group actions, and a defined order in undirected actions. If any Methuselah uses a card or effect, the acting Methuselah regains the impulse.

BURN OPTION (clarification) – Page 17
The new rules clarify that for cards with a burn option icon, a Methuselah can discard it during any unlock phase if they do not control a minion meeting the card’s requirements or if the minion is not a legal target for it.

SELF-CONTESTING (clarification) – Page 17
The updated rules clarify that a player cannot voluntarily contest cards with themselves, emphasizing that if forced, the incoming copy of a unique card is burned.

CONTESTED TITLES (clarification) – Page 18
The new rules specify that contested titles refer to unique titles, and the term “unique title” is explicitly mentioned.

MINION PHASE (clarification) – Page 19
The updated rules broaden the conditions for a minion to be “stuck,” now specifying that if a minion has two or more different mandatory actions or one mandatory action they cannot take, they are unable to perform any actions.

TYPES OF ACTIONS (clarification) – Page 20
The updated rules modify the wording to specify that a minion cannot play the same named action card more than once each turn, even if the minion unlocks.

BLEED (clarification) – Page 20
The new rules clarify that during a bleed action, an action modifier card cannot be played to increase the bleed if another action modifier card is already increasing the bleed amount, unless either of them doesn’t count against the limit.

RESCUE A VAMPIRE FROM TORPOR (clarification) – Page 23
Default cost: The cost of this action being payable by the rescued vampire or splittable between the acting vampire and the rescued one is clarified as an exception to the general rule that states costs must be paid with the vampire’s own resources.

SUMMARY OF THE COURSE OF AN ACTION (clarification) – Page 24
1 . Action is announced: The new rules specify that some cards are played “as the action is announced,” and these cards must be played before regular action modifier cards and reaction cards.

ANNOUNCE THE ACTION (clarification) – Page 25
The updated rules specify that any card required for the action is played face up when the action is announced, but it is temporarily set aside (out of play) until the action resolves.

RESOLVE ANY BLOCK ATTEMPTS (clarification) – Page 26
Who may attempt to block: The new rules clarify that if the target of the action is changed (e.g. a bleed action is redirected), this will reopen block attempts, following the normal rules.

STEALTH AND INTERCEPT 1 (clarification) – Page 26
The updated rules now mention that some cards and other effects can be used to both increase or decrease (even below 0) a minion’s stealth or intercept, as noted on card text.

STEALTH AND INTERCEPT 2 (clarification) – Page 26
The updated rules clarify that if a block attempt fails and all Methuselahs decline to block, the impulse goes back to the acting Methuselah (followed by others) to play more cards and effects before resolving the action.

New section added to the rulebook.

GAINING VOTES (addition) – Page 28
The new rules clarify that a minion may have a special ability granting additional votes or ballots without having a title themselves.

COMBAT (additions and clarification) – Page 29
Addition: The new rules now define the terms “combatant” and “opposing minion”.
Clarification: the only minion cards that can be played in combat are combat cards. “Minion” was missing in the old rulebook.
Addition: ADVANCED RULES: Some combat cards are played by minions “not involved in the current combat”. Minions controlled by ANY Methuselah can play those cards.

DAMAGE RESOLUTION (clarification) – Page 31
The new rules use the term “successfully inflicted” to clarify that only successful damage requires blood to mend.

ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE (clarification) – Page 31
The new rules specify that damage not inflicted by a strike (such as environmental damage from Carrion Crows or Murder of Crows) cannot be dodged, reinforcing that dodging only protects from the opponent’s strike.

IMMUNE TO DAMAGE (addition) – Page 32
The definition of “immune to damage” has been added to the rules.

DISCARD PHASE (addition) – Page 37
This rule was absent from the previous version of the rulebook: ‘Each event card may only be played once per game.’

INDEPENDENT (addition) – Page 39
The new rules add the clarification that the titles of Independent vampires, which may include starting votes as listed on card text, are not tied to a specific sect.

GLOSSARY (additions) – Page 41 to 44
Additions: Assamite, combatant, draw, Follower of Set, immune to damage, impulse, opposing minion, performing an action, sect, target, Thaumaturgy.
Clarifications: Limited, steal (a card).

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.