VTES rule open playtest: Contesting vampires

Greetings Methuselahs

We’re all committed to the rules of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle conceived 25 years ago. The impact of some rules has changed as the game has changed. One of those rules is vampire contestation. We have moved from having few crypt options to having large numbers of crypt options, but when contestation occurs the impact can be more severe with larger numbers of “key vampire decks” now in existence. We wish to examine if there are ways to reduce the impact of contestation and reduce the random element.

We would like you to test the following changes for non-tournament games:

  • A contested vampire remains in play. Their controller must pay 1 pool to continue to contest them, or yield during the unlock phase, but can play with them normally (act, block, play cards, cast votes or ballots etc.). If this vampire has a title that is also contested, the vampire must pay 1 blood point to keep it, as usual.
  • It is still forbidden to contest a vampire with oneself, and if this were to happen, the last vampire to enter play would be immediately burned, as usual.
  • This concerns both vampires influenced from the crypt and unique vampires brought into play with library cards (Abomination, Call the Great Beast etc.)
  • Unique library cards (including allies) and imbued are still unaffected by this rule change.

This change has already been tested in online league games, but we would like to have a lot more games adopting this rule in order to observe its influence on the balance of the game, the frequency of representation of “star” vampires etc.

We are especially interested in game reports including:

  • Frequency: How many games had a vampire being contested / games played?
  • The situation of the two (or more) players contesting (prey/predator? other?)
  • For how long the vampires were contested. How did it end? How much blood was left on the vampire after the contest?
  • Is the penalty balanced from their point of view? from the non-contesting players’ point of view?
  • Are star decks appearing more often over time? (It can take time for the players to adjust to the new rule)

Below are answers to some questions you might have. We use Lodin as the example vampire.

Q: Can Lodin block another Lodin controlled by another Methuselah?

Q: If there are two Lodin in play and I call a Banishment on “Lodin”, do I need to specify which copy I am choosing?
Yes. These are two different copies.

Q: If there are two copies of Lodin in play and one of them is burned, what happens to the other?
Nothing. However, since the controller of the remaining Lodin is not contesting anymore, that controller will not have to pay the contest any longer, and Lodin will get back his title during his next unlock phase (as usual).

Q: What happens if two Methuselahs contest the same vampire, and a third one puts a third copy in play?
The third copy is immediately contested. However, it remains in play and the third Methuselah will have to pay the contest cost as the two others (as well as paying the contest for the title, if any).

Q: If two copies of Lodin are contested and one of them yields his title, what happens to the other?
The other copy will get back his title during his next unlock phase (unless someone else contests the title!)

Q: Someone plays The Name Forgotten on Lodin who later gets burned. What happens to the other copies of Lodin?
They stay in play since The Name Forgotten only removes copies from the “crypts, uncontrolled regions and ash heaps”.

Please use one of these two Google Forms to deliver feedback:
– Game report sheet:
– Your Opinion sheet:

Do you have other questions? Discuss on the VEKN.net forum or VEKN at Facebook, or ask Black Chantry Productions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or contact@blackchantry.com.

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. www.paradoxinteractive.com. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

VTES rulebook now in French!

Hello community!

Last month the first Vampire: The Eternal Struggle products in the French language hit the shelves, and to accompany this we now publish the game rulebook in French. The translation is by Vincent Ripoll, Emmanuelle Usselmann, Romain Vincent-Aumont, Timothée Daudé and Pascal Bertrand. It is still a draft version that awaits some more proofing and a new layout, so if you have any feedback, please tell!

You find the rulebook at www.blackchantry.com/rulebook

RELATED: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle in French!

Clarifications: Murmur of the False Will and Dabbler

Black Chantry Productions would like to apologize for two errors in Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card texts recently, and show the correct texts. We cannot replace customers of practical reasons, but the correct texts will appear on the cards in future print runs.

The card text in the first 25th Anniversary printing indicate you do not lock the minion for the redirect effect. This is wrong – you do lock the minion. Correct card text:

Murmur of the False Will
[ACTION MODIFIER] Only usable during a bleed action. +1 bleed (limited).
[DOM] [REACTION] Only usable if a younger vampire is bleeding you, after blocks are declined. Lock this reacting vampire. Change the target of the bleed to another Methuselah other than the acting vampire’s controller (that Methuselah can attempt to block).

The card text in the first printing of Heirs to the Blood 2 bundle indicate the card is only usable on your own actions. That is not the case; you can use it in other player´s turns. Correct card text:

Archetype. Trifle. Put this card on a vampire you control. Once each turn, this vampire can gain 1 blood or burn 1 blood to unlock after an action (successful or not) is performed during which they used 3 or more Disciplines to play cards. A vampire can have only one archetype.

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. www.paradoxinteractive.com. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

Form of Mist – Art preview and minor text change

New card art by Ginés Quiñonero, will appear in the 25th Anniversary set.

A word from Vincent Ripoll, rules director at Black Chantry Productions: With the reprint of Form of Mist, we decided to remove a complex interaction with this card and the rule that prevents a player from adding stealth when it is not needed. Most of the time, Form of Mist would work as you expect: play it as a combat ends, and continue the action with an additional +1 stealth. However, in certain weird cases, you couldn’t play Form of Mist to continue the action. For instance, if the opposing minion with a Raven Spy has blocked an action at 1 stealth and the Raven Spy is burned in combat by the time you play the Form of Mist, then the blocking minion would have 0 intercept, forbidding you from playing Form of Mist that adds stealth. Another situation would be that Stanislava is blocked by a minion with Raven Spy while performing an action at stealth: since the retainers lose their abilities in combat against her, it means that the opposing minion has 0 intercept during the combat, forbidding you from playing Form of Mist. To avoid these unintuitive situations where continuing an action with a stealth bonus does not work, we decided to add the clause “even if stealth is not yet needed” to Form of Mist. It means that you now can play Form of Mist as you expect it to work.

New card text:
pro: Strike: dodge.
PRO: Strike: combat ends. If this vampire is acting and the action was blocked, they can burn 1 blood after combat ends to continue the action at +1 stealth as if unblocked, even if stealth is not yet needed. A vampire can play only one Form of Mist at superior each action.

READ MORE: Contents and card changes in 25th Anniversary revealed

Rules Team Rulings – RTR 19/07/2018

Fellow Methuselahs,

To accompany the release of the Heirs to the Blood and Keepers of Tradition reprints, the following rule changes will be effective August 18, 2018 (as always, changes contained herein do not go into effect for sanctioned tournaments for 30 days.)

Rule change #1: Cold iron vulnerability
The traits “vulnerability” and “cold iron” have been dropped. Now, the weapons that previously had the trait cold iron explicitly inflict aggravated damage on Kiasyd. This means, for instance, that an Embrace created by a Kiasyd is affected by these weapons, but also that a Kiasyd that changes clan is no longer affected by them. Also, Draeven Softfoot is no longer affected by those weapons.
    Explanation: The “cold iron vulnerability” trait took a lot of space on each Kiasyd, reducing the design space for new abilities. At the same time, only a few weapons were interacting with this trait. We moved the vulnerability rule to the weapons.
    The affected cards are Banshee IronvailDaggerJoumlon´s Axe and Poker (click links to read the new card texts).

Rule change #2: Scarce
Scarce penalty is now based only on the number of scarce vampires of the same clan already in play you control. Updated rulebook text:
Scarce: When a Methuselah moves a scarce vampire from her uncontrolled region to her ready region during her influence phase, she must burn 3 pool for every other vampire of the same clan already in play she controls.
    Explanation: The Scarce trait imposes a deck building restriction that is interesting, but had also random side-effects when another player would be playing vampires of the same clan (whether that clan is popular or not, for instance a Nagaraja). The player that would be unlucky enough to play after the other would likely be penalized on a random basis (the seating order).

Rule clarification: Locking and entering combat after a successful block attempt
If an action is blocked, the blocking minion is locked and enters combat with the acting minion. Locking the blocking minion and entering combat happen simultaneously and are identified as the “block resolution”. Therefore, some cards have been reworded to make it clear when a blocking minion is locked but does not enter combat, and when a blocking minion is not locked and does not enter combat. This is a clarification of the existing rule and rulings.

Clarification and simplification
– Even though Shalmath has been errated not to refer to the research area anymore, the research area still exists. The cards Research and Development are still usable until further notice.
– For the same reason Safe Passage does not refer to powers anymore, even though powers still exist.

Card changes
a) Some mandatory effects becoming optional
Some reprinted cards were changed to make a mandatory beneficial bonus optional instead. For instance, Code of Samiel now reads:
Put this card in play. During your unlock phase, a Salubri antitribu you control can gain 1 blood. If a Salubri antitribu burns a ready vampire or sends a vampire to torpor in combat or as a (D) action, that Salubri antitribu can unlock after the end of the minion phase.
    The change for this card is twofold:
– make the Code of Samiel similar to hunting grounds for less disparity
– make rollbacks easier to handle for players and judges
Previously, if a player forgot to gain a blood or to unlock a vampire with the Code of Samiel, a rollback was necessary since the effect was mandatory. This could be easy if nothing important had happened, but also complicated if the rollback happened a turn later.
    Making it optional makes it trivial to judge when forgotten: the blood is not gained/the vampire does not unlock. This does not alter the power of cards (you can use it as many times as before), but will require players to be more careful when handling their effects.

b) Revealing cards
Some cards (listed below) that search your library or crypt for a specific type of cards were changed so that the card is revealed. This will avoid some genuine mistakes and make the game state easier to track.

c) Failing action vs ended action
For less disparity, some cards that were causing an action to end unsuccessfully before resolution now make it fail; if the action had resolved (e.g., it had been blocked), those cards make them end unsuccessfully. That way, the action has resolved in both cases.
    Actions that are ended are over: action modifiers and reactions cannot be played anymore.
    Actions that fail are similar to actions that have been blocked (notice that a blocked action fails) except that there is no blocker and no combat. Action modifiers and reaction can still be played, if their text does not refer to a blocked action (e.g., Freak Drive cannot be played at superior after a failed action since it was not blocked, and cannot be played at basic since the action was not successful)

d) Detailed card changes
Banshee Ironwail
Now inflicts aggravated damage on Kiasyd.

Cheat the Fate
The vampire unlocks as part of the resolution.

Code of Samiel
Gaining blood and unlocking are now optional.

Now inflicts aggravated damage on Kiasyd.

The location that is retrieved from the library is now revealed.

Draeven Softfoot
No longer has a reference to Cold iron cards.

Gift of Sleep
Now explicitly states the minion is not locked if blocking.

Great Symposium
The Kiasyd is now revealed.

Hide the Heart
The action now fails instead of being ended.

Joumlon’s Axe
Now inflicts aggravated damage on Kiasyd.

Lord of Serenity
Gaining blood is now optional.

Nahum Enosh
Gaining blood is now optional.

New Moon Sigil
The trait Moon sigil has been dropped.

Now inflicts aggravated damage on Kiasyd.

Safe Passage
Removed reference to powers.

Scarlet Lore
The minion card searched is now revealed.

Removed reference to the research area.

The unnamed
Gaining pool is now optional.