Upcoming: Echoes of Gehenna

VTES Echoes of Gehenna

And the Antediluvians will make for themselves
an Empire of Blood
They will rule with iron talons
They will wrench the hearts of all still alive
And the full sum of the earth’s living will come
and live in the Last City, called Gehenna.
– The Book of Nod

Echoes of Gehenna is a fixed assortment of 54 cards to add to your Vampire: The Eternal Struggle collection. It focuses on the Gehenna event cards, presenting incidents that according to vampire mythology signals the end of the world. Included are also a number of previously scarce vampires and other powerful cards.

The contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the bundle.

5 Alabástrom
5 Aisha az-Zahra
5 Alicia Cortez
5 Apolonia Czarnecki
5 Joseph Fischer
5 Styles Margs

1 Absimiliard’s Army
1 Blood Trade
1 Blood Weakens
1 Conquest of Humanity
1 Fall of the Camarilla
1 Fall of the Sabbat
1 The Fourth Cycle
1 Fueled by Heart’s Blood
1 New Inquisition, The
1 Nightmares upon Nightmares
1 Recalled to the Founder
1 Restricted Vitae
1 Rise of the Nephtali
1 The Slow Withering
1 Thirst
1 Torpid Blood
1 Wormwood

1 FBI Special Affairs
1 Fee Stake Boston
1 Fee Stake New York
1 Fee Stake Seattle
1 The Parthenon
1 Narrow Minds
1 The Uncoiling

Total 54 cards

Expected shipping: June 2023 – preorder now at Blackchantry.shop

Copyright © 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. www.paradoxinteractive.com. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

87 cards added to Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Legacy Singles!


Black Chantry Productions have now added a new batch of cards to our print-on-demand offer at Drivethrucards: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Legacy Singles. Pick and mix freely for just $0.35 per card!

This time we added:
Baali crypt and library cards (including favorites as Unleash Hell´s Fury, The Unnamed and Huitzilopochtli)
Daughters of Cacophony crypt and library cards (for example Shattering Crescendo, Scout Youngwood and Paris Opera House)

There´s also seven different bundles if you easily want to get one of each card – or maybe four of each card? These give a 14% discount compared to picking singles.

All cards have been updated with the most recent layout and wording templates. Seven cards have significant funtional changes:
• Cybele: Must be unlocked at the start of the master phase to get the additional master phase action.
• Blessed Audience: Can explicitly target prey and predator.
• Herald of Topheth: Now infernal and does not require to burn pool during the influence phase anymore.
• Echo of Harmonies: The basic Presence effect does not need the Edge to be burned anymore.
• Maureen: Gaining the pool is now optional.
• Sargon: Gaining the Edge is now optional.
• Yseult: The extra card is drawn upon replacement.

These changes will be tournament legal on April 6, 2023.

A complete list with all Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Legacy Singles is available separately.

Black Chantry are constantly adding new offers both on Drivethrucards and in your favorite store – stay tuned for more!

159 cards added to Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Legacy Singles – and more!
Fifth Edition now on print-on-demand!
119 cards added to Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Legacy Singles!

Copyright © 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. www.paradoxinteractive.com. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

Fall of London release and legality date set!

Hi all!

Boxes full of the Fall of London set for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle is at our UK haven now, so hopefully also at distributors and stores all around the world soon. The official release date for the set is October 14 2022, which means the cards in the set will be legal for tournament play on November 13, 2022.

Also, don´t miss to gather your friends to play a special Fall of London storyline event! It´s a VTES game with some special rules to give an experience in line with the London theme and extra excitement caused by the Second Inquisition hunters coming after your vampires!

The Fall of London – product page with previews
Storyline: The Fall of London – rules and extra cards

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle production update May 2022

Originally published in the Vampire: Elder Kindred Network newsletter:

Greetings, fellow Kindred! It’s been a good while since I provided an update on where we at Black Chantry are at with Vampire: The Eternal Struggle releases and what’s down the road. Last year, we had the release of the Banu Haqim, Brujah, Gangrel, and Ministry pre-constructed decks, as well as the successful Kickstarter for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Unleashed. Additionally, we made available on Drivethrucards.com the legacy reprints of Followers of Set, Giovanni, Lasombra, and Ravnos, and Latin translations of the Fifth Edition decks.

So far this year, we’ve made the English language versions of the Fifth Edition decks available on Drivethrucards, as well as legacy reprints of Pander, Salubri, and Tzimisce. April saw the release of the New Blood introductory decks for Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere, and Ventrue. We’re presently waiting for the artwork to be complete for the Fall of London storyline set. Mike Nudd is the lead designer for it, and he also is a co-author of the Fall of London book for Vampire: The Masquerade. We’re expecting a summer release for that set.

We have a change in plans for what’s coming after Fall of London. We had originally planned to release a follow-up set for the Camarilla, filling out the Group 6 crypts and adding new library cards for them. However, with the heavy Camarilla themes of the New Blood decks and Fall of London, we felt we’d be oversaturating you with Camarilla-related cards. We’re presently planning for these cards – including the new Justicars! – to be in your hands in first quarter of 2023.

Coming after Fall of London, planned for the fourth of 2022, is another wave of pre-constructed decks. This time they’ll be Ravnos, Salubri, and Tzimisce, updated accordingly for the Vampire: The Masquerade V5 canon. We’re presently vetting the templating and mechanics of the cards and we’ll have them sent off for playtesting in June. We’ll have more information for you about those as we get closer to their release.

Heading into 2023, there’s the aforementioned Camarilla follow-up set, and following that we’ll have pre-constructed decks for the Lasombra and Hecata. We’ll also be wanting to release follow-up sets for all of the clans, as we’re definitely not done creating crypt and library cards for them. I’m frequently asked when we’ll be making new cards for the Sabbat. We’re very early in the concept and planning stages for the Sabbat, so they’re further down the production timeline, but we’re definitely excited for them.

I wish you all great summer nights and I look forward to seeing you at tournaments this year!

– Ben Peal, Product Director Black Chantry Productions

159 cards added to Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Legacy Singles
New Blood soon in stores!
Fifth Edition now on print-on-demand!
Welcome to our store!

Copyright © 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. www.paradoxinteractive.com. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

159 cards added to Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Legacy Singles – and more!


Black Chantry Productions have now added another 159 cards to our print-on-demand offer at Drivethrucards: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Legacy Singles. Pick and mix freely for just $0.35 per card.

This time we added:
Pander crypt and library cards
Salubri crypt and library cards
• Tzimisce crypt and library cards

Yes, this includes old favourites like War Ghoul, Saulot and Legacy of Pander. There´s also some bundles if you easily want to get one of each card – or maybe four of each card?!

All cards have been updated with the most recent layout and wording templates, but this time only three cards have significant funtional changes:
• Lambach (ADV): Unlocking is now optional.
• Radu Bistri: Gaining blood is now optional.
• Szechenyi Jolán, Mother of Horrors: Unlocking her is now optional and happens during the discard phase.

These changes will be tournament legal on May 27, 2022.

A complete list with all Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Legacy Singles is available separately.

VTES latin

While you are visiting Drivethrucards, note that all the nine Fifth Edition preconstructed decks for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle are now available at Drivethrucards.com. That is Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere, Ventrue, Banu Haqim, Brujah, Gangrel and The Ministry. The languages are English, French, Spanish and, of course, LATIN! Because we don´t want to exclude anyone 😉

Black Chantry are constantly adding new offers both on Drivethrucards and your favorite store – stay tuned for more!

Copyright © 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. www.paradoxinteractive.com. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.