New promo card: Awe

Hi! Time for another Vampire: The Eternal Struggle promo card reveal! Awe is a powerful vote push card first published in the original Sabbat edition back in 1996. It was last published in Third Edition in 2006. The classic artwork is by Gary Leach.

This card will be awarded to participants at GP Cearense, a state qualifier tournament for Grand Prix Brazil. It is played on December 17 at Dominaria, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. More information can be found in the event calendar.

The card will be exclusive for this event for at least a year, then, if you are lucky, it may appear in other places!

– The first Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards in German!
– New full art promo card: Festivo dello Estinto
– New full art promo card: Theo Bell
– Archon Investigation in Spain!
– New alternate art promo card: Bum’s Rush

Copyright © 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

New full art promo card: Hesha Ruhadze

Hi! Time for yet another promo card for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. This one was revealed in the Brazilian channel Garagem du Nerd TV: a full art variant of Hesha Ruhadze (Group 6) with that gorgeous art by Carmen Cornet!

The card will be awarded to participants of the upcoming 2023 Mineiro Championship in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Big thanks to the organisers, partners and all you lovely players that help keep the game undead in Brazil!

New full art promo card: Festivo dello Estinto
– New full art promo card: Theo Bell
– Archon Investigation in Spain!
– New alternate art promo card: Bum’s Rush

Copyright © 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

New full art promo card: Festivo dello Estinto

Hi! We at Black Chantry Productions once again support the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle game with a special promo card. This full art version of Festivo dello Estinto will be given to all participants of the 5th Edition of Festivo dello Estinto event in Zaragosa, Spain, played on September 16-17.

The tournament is a “Build-Your-Own-Storyline” event, using special rules and some tournament specific cards that are not legal for play otherwise. But the Festivo dello Estinto version is of course legal for tournaments everywhere, if you can get your hands on it! For now, it is exclusive for this event, but it might appear elsewhere later.

The artwork is the original 1996 very spooky one, by Patrick Kochakji.

For more information about the tournament, including all those cool rules and gifts, see (in English) and (in Spanish).

– New full art promo card: Theo Bell
– Archon Investigation in Spain!
– New alternate art promo card: Bum’s Rush

Copyright © 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

New alternate art promo card: Bum’s Rush

Hi! We once again support a Vampire: The Eternal Struggle event with a special promo. This alternate art card for the classic Bum’s Rush card will be given to all participants of the Belgian National Championship 2023, played in Mechelen this weekend.

The art is made by Noora Hirvonen (also a great VTES player) and depicts VTES veterans Dennis Devriendt, Emiliano Imeroni and Bram Van Stappen. Black Chantry Productions want to thank them for playing the game and arranging events over the years, and also thanks to the all players who turned up for this event!

Emiliano and Bram.

For now, this card art is exclusive for this event, but it might also appear if we reprint Bum’s Rush in the future, as a promo card or in normal products.

New full art promo card: Theo Bell
Archon Investigation in Spain!

Copyright © 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

New full art promo card: Theo Bell

Theo Bell Full art Carmen Cornet

Hi! Black Chantry Productions continues to support Vampire: The Eternal Struggle events with special card versions. This beautiful full art Theo Bell will be given to all participants of the Andalusian Open 2023, played in Córdoba, Spain on June 3.

We are testing this type of promo cards. For now, this card is exclusive for this specific event, but if wildly popular it might reappear elsewhere in the future.

Thanks to all players and organisers who keep this game undead, and a special thanks to the illustrator Carmen Cornet.

More information about the Andalusian Open 2023 is at