Archon Investigation in Spain!


Spain love Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, and we love Spain. The Spanish National Championship 2023 is held in Seville on March 25. As a promo card for this event, we created a new, alternate artwork version of the card Archon Investigation. It will be awarded to all participants, both in Spanish and English versions.

The artwork is by Ginés Quiñonero. It features our favorite handsome Nosferatu Alonso Cristo Petrodon de Seville (later Camarilla Justicar) doing work as an Archon back in the 15th century Seville.

We will keep this alternate artwork card exclusive for this event for about a year, after which it will become available worldwide. As Archon Investigation is in high demand, it will likely appear in products before that, but with other art.

More about the event: Spanish National Championship 2023

New promo: Tegyrius, Vizier

Hello! A new version of Tegyrius, Vizier is available as a reward for backers of MET Vampire: The Masquerade – War of Ages. As with all these Vampire: The Eternal Struggle special promo cards, they will be made available later, either as normal event promos or in products, but not with this exclusive symbol in the top right corner.

For more information, check out the War of Ages Kickstarter campaign!

Copyright © 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

New promos sneak peek!


Above is a first peek at this year’s Vampire: The Eternal Struggle promo pack, now available to preorder for distributors. Each pack contains 56 cards (ten each of the crypt cards and one each of the library cards), and is produced in English, French and Spanish. This is not a regular consumer product, but something for stores and event organizers to hand out as gifts with start in September. More details on those mysterious crypt cards a bit later!

Also available for distributor preorder: Four new preconstructed decks, as previewed in the latest Vampire: Elder Kindred Network newsletter!

Copyright © 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

330% funded! Thanks all backers!

The Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Unleashed Kickstarter is over! Thank you for backing everyone! Now we order the cards to be printed and will update you along the way. Please contact@blackchantry if you have any questions about your pledge.

We promised to add a special treat if we reached £160 000, and total pledges via Kickstarter and off-platform pledges are over £165 000, so here it is: We add Vivienne Geroux as a seventh promo for all backers!

Copyright © 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

We unlock all Kickstarter stretch goals!

VTES Kickstarter

Hi! We think the stretch goal ladder was a bit too steep, so we did some calculation and found out that all the six promo cards can be printed within budget. So all stretch goals are now unlocked – congratulations to all backers and thank you for supporting Vampire: The Eternal Struggle! Still five days to go! IF the £160 000 mark is reached, we promise to add a special treat!

To the Kickstarter: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Unleashed

More information and previews: Product pages

Copyright © 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.