Card preview: Benedito, a Lanterna

Say hello to the South American Championship 2019 tournament promo card: Benedito, a Lanterna. This Nosferatu vampire is the Anarch Baron of Fortaleza, Brazil. Thanks Christopher Shy for the haunting artwork!

Get your copy at the SAC in Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil on November 16, or wait until the card appear in a Black Chantry product sometime during 2020.

RELATED: All Black Chantry promo cards

New promo card: Jacques Rouge, Nosferatu Baron of Versailles

Black Chantry Productions has produced a special promo card for the European Championship in Paris. Jacques Rouge will be awarded to all tournament participants. The card, with fantastic artwork by Carmen Cornet, will also be included in a later Vampire: The Eternal Struggle product.

If you are going to the EC, please register now at Thanks for attending, see you there!

New alternate art promo card: Entrancement

Black Chantry Productions has produced an alternate art version of the VTES card Entrancement with artwork by Ginés Quiñonero. It will be awarded to all participants in European Grand Prix tournaments (in Helsinki or distributed retroactivly at the European Championship in Paris or later by National Coordinators) and to all European Grand Prix tournament organizers. Thanks for attending and volunteering!