Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition soon to print!

Hi community

We are soon sending the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition box set to print. If you want to help us out, please ask your local game store or favorite online store to pre-order it from their distributor. That way we get a better idea of how much to print in the first print run.

The box contains five preconstructed decks, blood counters, edge counter and the new full-colour, illustrated rulebook.

Note that versions in French and Spanish will be in stores at the same time as the English version – our first simultaneous multi-language launch!

Estimated release: September 2020
Suggested retail price: $ 95.00 / € 82.50 

This might also be of interest:
– 25th Anniversary Standard tuckbox version (July 2020)
Ultra Pro VTES sleeves: Amber crypt
Ultra Pro VTES sleeves: Green library
VTES playmat: Parity Shift
For organizers only: Promo Pack 2

Card preview from Fifth Edition: Trevon Parker. Art by Clint Langley.

Complete decklists and previews from the Fifth Edition decks:
Fifth Edition: Clan Malkavian
Fifth Edtion: Clan Nosferatu
Fifth Edition: Clan Toreador
Fifth Edition: Clan Tremere
Fifth Edition: Clan Ventrue

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card sleeves now in stores!

Yes it´s true! Black Chantry Productions are delighted to confirm that the first official Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Ultra Pro card sleeves now are in stores! There are both green library and orange crypt ones. Suggested retail price is around €6.00 for a pack of 50. Sleeve up and enjoy!

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

Promo Pack 2 is now available!

VTES Promo Pack 2

Promo Pack 2 for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle is a fixed assortment of 56 crypt cards, intended as promotional material for retailers and support for organizers of tournaments and other events. No normal resale! The bundle is available directly from Black Chantry Productions (for organizers) or from distributors (for retailers).

10 Benedito, a Lanterna
10 Bituin
10 Casey Snyder
10 Jacques Rouge
10 Leumeah
1 Una
1 The Ankara Citadel, Turkey
1 Black Metamorphosis
1 Murmur of the False Will
1 Parity Shift
1 Pentex Subversion

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

VTES rule open playtest: Contesting vampires

Greetings Methuselahs

We’re all committed to the rules of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle conceived 25 years ago. The impact of some rules has changed as the game has changed. One of those rules is vampire contestation. We have moved from having few crypt options to having large numbers of crypt options, but when contestation occurs the impact can be more severe with larger numbers of “key vampire decks” now in existence. We wish to examine if there are ways to reduce the impact of contestation and reduce the random element.

We would like you to test the following changes for non-tournament games:

  • A contested vampire remains in play. Their controller must pay 1 pool to continue to contest them, or yield during the unlock phase, but can play with them normally (act, block, play cards, cast votes or ballots etc.). If this vampire has a title that is also contested, the vampire must pay 1 blood point to keep it, as usual.
  • It is still forbidden to contest a vampire with oneself, and if this were to happen, the last vampire to enter play would be immediately burned, as usual.
  • This concerns both vampires influenced from the crypt and unique vampires brought into play with library cards (Abomination, Call the Great Beast etc.)
  • Unique library cards (including allies) and imbued are still unaffected by this rule change.

This change has already been tested in online league games, but we would like to have a lot more games adopting this rule in order to observe its influence on the balance of the game, the frequency of representation of “star” vampires etc.

We are especially interested in game reports including:

  • Frequency: How many games had a vampire being contested / games played?
  • The situation of the two (or more) players contesting (prey/predator? other?)
  • For how long the vampires were contested. How did it end? How much blood was left on the vampire after the contest?
  • Is the penalty balanced from their point of view? from the non-contesting players’ point of view?
  • Are star decks appearing more often over time? (It can take time for the players to adjust to the new rule)

Below are answers to some questions you might have. We use Lodin as the example vampire.

Q: Can Lodin block another Lodin controlled by another Methuselah?

Q: If there are two Lodin in play and I call a Banishment on “Lodin”, do I need to specify which copy I am choosing?
Yes. These are two different copies.

Q: If there are two copies of Lodin in play and one of them is burned, what happens to the other?
Nothing. However, since the controller of the remaining Lodin is not contesting anymore, that controller will not have to pay the contest any longer, and Lodin will get back his title during his next unlock phase (as usual).

Q: What happens if two Methuselahs contest the same vampire, and a third one puts a third copy in play?
The third copy is immediately contested. However, it remains in play and the third Methuselah will have to pay the contest cost as the two others (as well as paying the contest for the title, if any).

Q: If two copies of Lodin are contested and one of them yields his title, what happens to the other?
The other copy will get back his title during his next unlock phase (unless someone else contests the title!)

Q: Someone plays The Name Forgotten on Lodin who later gets burned. What happens to the other copies of Lodin?
They stay in play since The Name Forgotten only removes copies from the “crypts, uncontrolled regions and ash heaps”.

Please use one of these two Google Forms to deliver feedback:
– Game report sheet:
– Your Opinion sheet:

Do you have other questions? Discuss on the forum or VEKN at Facebook, or ask Black Chantry Productions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

Print-on-demand is back!

Tariq the Silent - Art by Christopher Shy

Hello community

Black Chantry Productions print-on-demand partner has been cleared to reopen with light staffing, which means they are accepting new printed card orders. So if you haven´t already done so, maybe get five copies of Tariq the Silent? Or maybe that cool Parlamento de las Sombras precon deck?

For more information: COVID-19 Update

RELATED: Spanish precons now on Drivethrucards!
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