Black Chantry Productions print-on-demand partner has been cleared to reopen with light staffing, which means they are accepting new printed card orders. So if you haven´t already done so, maybe get five copies of Tariq the Silent? Or maybe that cool Parlamento de las Sombras precon deck?
Black Chantry Productions hereby announce that anyone playing Vampire: The Eternal Struggle online on and submitting their result (tournament, league or casual) at will enter into a prize draw. The winner will receive a copy of the upcoming Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition five-deck box set!
Period: March 1 – June 30 2020
After the last date, a list of players will be generated and a random winner will be determined, contacted and announced by July 31 2020.
Thanks to all who help arrange online games, and special thanks to Igor Beslin and Kai Kimmerle.
Good luck everybody!
The small print: The prize is sponsored by Black Chantry Productions Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (company number 10859380). This competition is governed by the laws of England and Wales.Any entrant to this competition agrees that their name and likeness may be used in publicity associated with this product and competition. Black Chantry Productions will pay for shipping but any other fees and applicable local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Twitter and Facebook are not associated with this promotion.
Last month the first Vampire: The Eternal Struggle products in the French language hit the shelves, and to accompany this we now publish the game rulebook in French. The translation is by Vincent Ripoll, Emmanuelle Usselmann, Romain Vincent-Aumont, Timothée Daudé and Pascal Bertrand. It is still a draft version that awaits some more proofing and a new layout, so if you have any feedback, please tell!
Black Chantry Productions and the player organization Vampire: Elder Kindred Network are of course sad that several Vampire: The Eternal Struggle tournaments and other events this spring have been cancelled or postponed, and more such bad news may follow. We respect the decisions that have been made, and we urge you to do the same. Health always comes first, and there are also other factors that weigh in, for example travel, lodging and event economics. Stay tuned for more detailed information from organizers of these events. Meanwhile: This is not Gehenna. Tune your decks. Try playing on LackeyCCG. Gather in smaller groups to play. Stay safe and help where help is needed!
In certain fragments of the Book of Nod, primarily those recovered in the Middle East, passages appear that speak of the old gods – those worshipped by the mortals who dwelt in the Second City…