Need help keeping track of our Vampire: The Eternal Struggle promo cards? Don´t worry – we have created a page that shows them all. And remember: All promo cards will eventually turn up in products from Black Chantry Productions, but with a different set symbol.
Black Chantry Productions would like to apologize for two errors in Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card texts recently, and show the correct texts. We cannot replace customers of practical reasons, but the correct texts will appear on the cards in future print runs.
ERROR IN CARD TEXT: MURMUR OF THE FALSE WILL The card text in the first 25th Anniversary printing indicate you do not lock the minion for the redirect effect. This is wrong – you do lock the minion. Correct card text:
Murmur of the False Will [ACTION MODIFIER] Only usable during a bleed action. +1 bleed (limited). [DOM] [REACTION] Only usable if a younger vampire is bleeding you, after blocks are declined. Lock this reacting vampire. Change the target of the bleed to another Methuselah other than the acting vampire’s controller (that Methuselah can attempt to block).
ERROR IN CARD TEXT: DABBLER The card text in the first printing of Heirs to the Blood 2 bundle indicate the card is only usable on your own actions. That is not the case; you can use it in other player´s turns. Correct card text:
Dabbler Archetype. Trifle. Put this card on a vampire you control. Once each turn, this vampire can gain 1 blood or burn 1 blood to unlock after an action (successful or not) is performed during which they used 3 or more Disciplines to play cards. A vampire can have only one archetype.
How do I buy Vampire: The Eternal Struggle? – VTES cards no longer come in randomized booster packs, but in fixed bundles and preconstructed decks. These are sold both in stores through normal distribution, and on print-on-demand on
My local game store doesn’t have VTES, how can I help them get it? – Please show them the list of our current distributors found on, and ask them to get stock from any one of these.
What VTES sets are available today? – Lost Kindred – bundle with new cards for improving bloodlines. – Keepers of Tradition 1 and 2 – reprint bundle of the 2008 set. – Heirs to the Blood 1 and 2 – reprint bundle of the 2010 set. – Anthology 1 – bundle with mix of popular reprints and new cards. – four Sabbat-themed preconstructed decks – Lasombra, Toreador Antitribu, Tremere Antitribu and Tzimisce (reprints and new cards). – 25th Anniversary – preconstructed Gangrel deck plus one new vampire (Grimgroth) and additional reprints. Check out for detailed content lists for each product!
What VTES products are planned for the future? – In September the five First Blood introductory decks. In late 2019 come the next core set for VTES, the 5 (or 6) deck Camarilla-themed boxed set. Translated products are also in the pipeline; first Brazilian Portuguese and Russian. And much more is planned!
Where can I find VTES tournaments in my area? – One way is to check out the Event Calendar on On that site you also can find contact information for the VEKN volunteers near your location – there are currently 34 National coordinators and 166 City coordinators (yes, they are called “princes”!) Another easy way is to ask in the forum on or in any of the numerous Facebook groups about VTES – players are always glad to help new players.
How can I join the player organisation VEKN? – You join VEKN by playing a sanctioned tournament. You will receive a membership number and player ranking.
On August 17 1994 the first Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards hit the shelves of stores all around the world. Today we celebrate this was 25 years ago.
Much influence has been transferred since then, and many mortals have been drained by hunting. Many heavy bleeds have landed, but many have also been redirected to enemies of the enemy. Many votes have been cast, and many referendums have been delayed. Many deals have been done – and broken! Many foolish blocks have been made, and many minions have been staked, fangpulled and burned by sunlight. There has been much excitement among Methuselahs, and much laughter!
Fury rages and bitterness boils in-game, but great friendships form in both local and global communities. Thousands of tournaments have been played, and many great champions will never be forgotten. Every day kitchen tables all around the world are flooded with cards. And this game never ends, so sort your blood counters and shuffle your deck!
VTES is more undead than ever Since April 2018, Black Chantry Productions are the proud publishers of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. With the great support of our licensor White Wolf Entertainment and the player community Vampire: Elder Kindred Network (VEKN), we have produced no less than ten products in just this first year:
– Late 2019:Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition, a boxed set with five or six Camarilla-themed decks, blood counters, a rewritten rulebook and everything else you need to play.