Happy birthday Vampire: The Eternal Struggle!

Happy Birthday VTES

On August 17 1994 the first Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards hit the shelves of stores all around the world. Today we celebrate this was 25 years ago.

Much influence has been transferred since then, and many mortals have been drained by hunting. Many heavy bleeds have landed, but many have also been redirected to enemies of the enemy. Many votes have been cast, and many referendums have been delayed. Many deals have been done – and broken! Many foolish blocks have been made, and many minions have been staked, fangpulled and burned by sunlight. There has been much excitement among Methuselahs, and much laughter!

Fury rages and bitterness boils in-game, but great friendships form in both local and global communities. Thousands of tournaments have been played, and many great champions will never be forgotten. Every day kitchen tables all around the world are flooded with cards. And this game never ends, so sort your blood counters and shuffle your deck!

VTES is more undead than ever
Since April 2018, Black Chantry Productions are the proud publishers of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. With the great support of our licensor White Wolf Entertainment and the player community Vampire: Elder Kindred Network (VEKN), we have produced no less than ten products in just this first year:

Moving on – this happens in 2019:

– August 17: The 25th Anniversary set with the powerful “Reign of Stanislava” deck and more.

– September: Five First Blood introductory decks, starring clans Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere and Ventrue.

– Late 2019: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition, a boxed set with five or six Camarilla-themed decks, blood counters, a rewritten rulebook and everything else you need to play.

Translation work for products in Brazilian Portuguese and Russian has begun, and more languages are planned.

RELATED: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle 25th Anniversary – on a personal note

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. www.paradoxinteractive.com. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle 25th Anniversary – on a personal note

Hugh Angseesing, CEO of Black Chantry Productions, what does the release of the 25th Anniversary set mean for you?
– I started playing in 1994 in Cheltenham in the UK, at that time decks were hastily assembled from the mixed Jyhad starters and were a bit all over the place. However I quickly got into the art, particularly of the vampires, and was soon trying to collect all of them!

What are you especially excited about in the set?
– I am really excited to get a piece of Ed Beard Jr. artwork from this era back out onto a modern card. His artwork helped define the original look and I feel that helped me fall in love with this game.

– The second bit that really excites me is getting one of my favourite decks into print – Stanislava and all of her friends. This deck isn’t my favourite version as that involves Camille Devereux and The Raven when they were separate vampires and cheeky Force of Will bleeds and Mind Rapes that would stay in play if you were ousted! This is instead a variant of a staple of the tournament environment often played by a master of the profession, Martin Weinmayer.

Black Chantry want to thank all players, partners, distributors, artists and playtesters for making it possible for us to publish Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. It has been a wild first year for us, with many new acquaintances and lessons learned. We look forward to the future!

Please feel free to contact any one of us at Black Chantry (Hugh Angseesing, Ben Peal, Vincent Ripoll, Ginés Quiñonero and Henrik Klippström) with feedback. All five of us will be present at the European Championship in Paris, France the coming weekend. Otherwise please e-mail at firstname.lastname@blackchantry.com, or use social media!

Copyright © 2025 Paradox Interactive AB. www.paradoxinteractive.com. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

Card preview: Pentex Subversion

The Vampire: The Eternal Struggle 25th Anniversary set is coming up, and with that this new, changed Pentex Subversion with art by Riccardo Fabiani.

The complete content list of this product and information about the other changes can be found at the announcement page.

The official release date of 25th Anniversary is August 16 2019, which means the card changes introduced in the set will be legal for tournament play on September 15 2019.

First Blood – Introductory decks for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle

First Blood is a collection of five 55-card preconstructed decks for introductory games of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. These decks are simpler than tournament level decks, but showcase all the basic mechanics of the game. They are balanced, for a fun and exciting first try of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. They are fully functional cards, ready to mix with cards from other sets.

To make Vampire: The Eternal Struggle more accessible to new players, Black Chantry will make these introductory decks available to retailers at a reduced price compared to our other products.

Contents of the decks:
First Blood: Malkavian
First Blood: Nosferatu
First Blood: Toreador
First Blood: Tremere
First Blood: Ventrue

First Blood will be available in September 2019.

Card preview: Grimgroth

Grimgroth by Edward Beard, Jr.

This card is illustrated with the recovered 1990´s artwork by legendary Vampire: The Eternal Struggle artist Edward Beard, Jr (Giant´s Blood, Pulled Fangs, Telepathic Misdirection, etc.) The art was originally to be used in 1995 set Dark Sovereigns.

In the World of Darkness, Grimgroth is a very powerful Tremere vampire, embraced into unlife by the clan founder himself sometime during the 11th century. He replaced the rogue Goratrix as a member of the Tremere Inner Council, responsible for Western Europe.

Grimgroth appears in the 25th Anniversary set which will be available for purchase in mid August (exact date still to be determined).