YES! We are at Essen this weekend, or at least our distributor Asmodee and a number of HEROIC demo game volunteers are. The not yet officially released Fifth Edition Lasombra preconstructed deck is for sale here, almost a month before real launch, and if you participate in a demo game, you can get some fancy full art promo cards. The place is the EPN stand in Hall 2!
The struggle continues! The Vampire: The Eternal Struggle European Grand Prix 2023-2024 circuit is just over, and a new one begins. Welcome to Palma de Mallorca, Spain on November 16 for the “Camarilla Conclave” Iberian Grand Prix. All information is at
Each participant in this 2024-2025 European circuit will receive a copy of the special playmat with Karl Schrekt art by Carmen Cornet, and a copy of the Vampiric Disease promo card with art by Ginés Quinonero.
The official Grand Prix 2025 promo card: Vampiric Disease.
The official Grand Prix 2025 playmat.
The 2023-2024 European Grand Prix final was played in Warsaw, Poland on September 28. We would like to congratulate the winner Sebastian Fredenberg of Sweden, who also won the 2021-2022 final. Also thanks to all other players, organisers and sponsors!
Sebastian Fredenberg (center) with the other Grand Prix finalists.
The card Puppet Master appears in the upcoming Vampire: The Eternal StruggleFifth Edition Lasombra preconstructed deck. This is to be considered as the same card as the previously printed card Mind Rape. The old card is still legal for tournament play.
Hi! Time for another preconstructed deck for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. Allow Black Chantry Productions to proudly present the Fifth Edition Lasombra deck. A full content list and previews are collected at the product page – more cards will be spoiled soon, so make sure to follow us in social media. Prerelease date is October 3 at the Spiel Essen game fair, general release date is October 31!
Happy birthday, best game in the world! 30 YEARS OF VAMPIRE: THE ETERNAL STRUGGLE! The original base set was published by Wizards of the Coast on August 16, 1994. The design was by Richard Garfield, in collaboration with White Wolf, the company behind Vampire: The Masquerade, the role-playing game which the card game is based on. These games are set in the World of Darkness, a somewhat gothic horror reflection of our own world.
The base set had a massive 437 different cards, available in both thin booster packs and thicker starter packs, both randomised. It featured seven vampire clans of the Camarilla sect – Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere, and Ventrue – as well as the clanless Caitiff.
Many of the cards that are among the most commonly played cards even today are from this set, like Govern the Unaligned, Telepathic Misdirection and Kine Resources Contested.
Today, Vampire: The Eternal Struggle is produced by Black Chantry Productions (, on license from Paradox Interactive. We are proud to keep this fantastic game un-dead!