New year – new starter decks!

Q1 2019 precons

Four new Vampire: The Eternal Struggle preconstructed decks are scheduled for release in first quarter 2019, available both in stores and as print-on-demand on Drivethrucards.

Each of the four decks focuses on one vampire clan and consists of 77 library cards and 12 crypt cards. They are ready for play out of the box or customisable with other Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards. Included are brand new cards anticipated by existing players, but also many staple cards needed to introduce new players to the game.

The decks are:
Den of Fiends – Clan Tzimisce
Libertine Ball – Clan Toreador antitribu
Pact with Nephandi – Clan Tremere antitribu
Parliament of Shadows – Clan Lasombra

This is the first taste of what Black Chantry Productions has in the pipeline for 2019 – both more preconstructed decks, reprint bundles and other products are in development. Stay tuned to and our social media channels for more news!

Our site:
Facebook: @blackchantry
Twitter: @Black_Chantry

Welcome European Grand Prix sponsor Ultra Pro!

The V:EKN and Black Chantry Productions are proud to announce that game accessory manufacturers Ultra Pro are sponsoring the 2018-2019 Vampire European Grand Prix circuit. For all the events in the circuit, the company will provide for attendance prize of unique V:TES Playmat designed solely for the European Grand Prix circuit. So attending at least one of the five GP tournaments will give you one copy of the wickedly evil V:TES playmat featuring Evil Jensen.

The playmats, designed by our own Ginés Quiñonero Santiago with art by Chad Michael Ward, will be coming from printers in spring 2019, but participants of this weekend’s Italian Grand Prix in Bologna will get their playmats, even if some months after the actual event.

Like 2018, Ultra Pro will also support the 2019 European Championships, this time in Paris during August. And they will also be supporting larger European National Championships in 2019 based on 2018 attendance. Thank you Ultra Pro!

Production update November 27th, 2018

Hi community

Black Chantry are pleased to announce that Heirs to the Blood tuckboxes and restocks of Keepers of Tradition from the European printers are due to arrive at our European HQ mid-December. Products will hit store shelves December 17 and onward.

Heirs to the Blood bundle 1 is focused on clans Baali, Blood Brothers, Gargoyles, Harbingers of Skulls, Nagaraja and Samedi, while Bundle 2 contains clans Ahrimanes, Daughters of Cacophony, Kiasyd, Salubri, Salubri antitribu and True Brujah. Included are also some highly demanded cards useable in many decks, like Cavalier, Dabbler and Wider View. Visit the product pages at to see the exact content of each bundle.

Keep on bleeding,

Hugh Angseesing
CEO Black Chantry Productions
Nottingham, UK